Garlic Cauliflower Cashew Cream Pasta

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  • 2/3 head Cauliflower

  • 1/2 cup Cashews (soaked and rinsed)

  • 1/3 cup Garlic Hummus

  • 1/2 sweet Onion

  • 1 cup Chicken Stock (Veggie for Vegan)

  • 2 tbsp Parm Cheese (Nutritional Yeast for V)

  • 1 tbsp dried Basil or 5-6 fresh basil leaves

  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder (add more if not using hummus) or 4 fresh Garlic Cloves (chopped)

  • Blender or Food Processor

  • I added in sun dried tomatoes and kale -- optional


  1. Soak cashews in filtered water for at least 2-4 hours (or overnight)

  2. Preheat oven on 400* Roast

  3. Chop cauliflower into pieces and toss with avocado (or olive) oil

  4. Roast in oven for 20-30 minutes or until tender

  5. Heat up garlic and onions in a skillet and cook until translucent, stirring occasionally

  6. Rinse cashews with water and add to blender or food processor

  7. Add all other ingredients

  8. Blend up a little to start getting a liquid consistency

  9. Add in cauliflower and blend until very smooth

  10. Add more broth or use water to get thinner (for desired consistency)

  11. Boil water for pasta

  12. Pour sauce into large skillet to get warm

  13. Scoop finished pasta into skillet

  14. Let everything come together and simmer to allow for more flavor